Game hunting in Scotland
Game shooting at Logiealmond
Logiealmond Estate is renowned for its high quality sporting and hospitality driven hunting days. Partridges and pheasants are driven over our deep gullies and present as incredible sport for our guests.
We have 14 drives here at Logiealmond providing a full mix of sporting birds. Guests travel from all over the world to shoot and stay with us and always book to return.
Our skilled team of game keepers work throughout the year to create amazing days. We are known for relaxed high quality days at Logiealmond Estate, where guns can talk, laugh, hunt, shoot and eat in a unhurried way.
Duck days are available on request.
Our selection of luxury lodges provide five star accommodation to our guns with full catering from our expert chefs, wherever you are looking to do game shooting in Scotland.


Click through the calendar to find available dates - August to January