Fishing in Scotland
Fishing on the mighty River Tay in Scotland
At 117 miles in length, the Tay is Scotland’s longest river. Its sheer size and volume of water also make it one of the most prolific and accessible salmon fishing rivers in the world. It is home to Scottish record-breaking fish, including the largest ever rod-caught salmon in Britain, making it a perfect destination for fishing enthusiasts.
There are many beautiful stretches of water near Logiealmond Estate, with numerous holding pools. There are excellent facilities for fishing, plus experienced and dedicated local guides. Whether fly-fishing, spinning, or harling – a traditional, exceptionally effective Tay fishing technique – fishing on the River Tay can quite simply be the experience of a lifetime.

Please email the Estate Manager at philip.blount@logielamondestate.com or call on +44 (0)7551 817407 to book your fishing experience.
Tips for fishing in Scotland
Choose the right time of year. The best time for fishing in Scotland varies depending on the species of fish you are targeting. For salmon, the best time is typically from April to June. For trout, the best time is typically from May to September.
Use the right gear. You will need to have the appropriate rod and reel for the type of fishing you are doing. For salmon fishing, you will need a strong rod and reel, as well as a variety of flies. For trout fishing, you can use a lighter rod and reel, as well as a variety of lures and bait.
Be patient. Fishing can be a lot of fun, but it can also be frustrating. It is important to be patient when fishing.
Respect the environment. This means following all of the fishing regulations, as well as being careful not to pollute the water.
Be stealthy. Fish are very sensitive to noise and movement, so it is important to be as stealthy as possible when fishing.